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Tipití is the only refereed journal entirely dedicated to lowland South America. Tipití is increasingly recognized as an established and cutting-edge journal for lowland South American anthropology scholarship. Although lowland South American anthropology is far from being a unified, homogeneous field of research, it is renewing anthropological thinking on a number of issues through its debates and its diversity. And although various schools of Amazonian anthropology, rooted in different national traditions, co-exist today, they all share the same commitment to ethnography, as well as the view that it is through advancing cross-cultural comparative research that lowland South American specialists will contribute to anthropological theory. Tipití is committed to providing a space for such a diverse intellectual meeting-ground.
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Editor-in Chief
Associate Editors
Book Review Editor
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This volume is a homage to the extraordinary anthropologist Peter Gow and the fertile and brilliantly honed ideas and ethnographic analyses set out in his work. It is an inspired collection of articles written by a younger generation of anthropologists, former students of Pete’s, who, like him, work with Amerindian peoples of Lowland South America. They are his kin in a wider sense, in the Amerindian sense, a sense Pete himself recognized, named, and put on the map, at a time when anthropological theories of kinship and the social blinkered us to such non-canonical forms and practices of relatedness. Pete, with his clarity and humor, added a very Amazonian dimension to the movement away from these restraints. The authors in this volume are Pete’s descendants not just as his former doctoral students, but as persons with skills, affects, and perspectives developed during engagement with him over years, in some cases, decades. Not just his students, but also his friends, companions in more than academic settings, through late nights and during long journeys, physical and intellectual: here, they speak to us not in nostalgic terms, but in beautifully crafted texts that bring original research and theorizations of Amerindian lives to contemporary anthropology. Some pieces are long, dense with ethnographic analysis; some are short, small gems packed with insight and empathy. Some openly provide the kind of critical and cutting engagement with Pete’s ideas that he himself so thoroughly enjoyed; others offer more subtle invocations, or simply clear accounts of his ideas on a particular topic, before showing us how, through ethnographic investigations, these ideas can be confirmed, challenged, expanded, and developed. As editors, we can only say we are enchanted with the outcome of the authors’ work, and we express our heartfelt thanks to Juan Pablo Sarmiento Barletti and Victor Cova, to all the authors, and to Pete himself, wherever he may be, for making possible the coming-together of such an assemblage of refined ethnographic thinkers.
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Minna Opas, Felipe Milanez, Luis Felipe Torres, and Glenn Shepard, guest editors
The bulk of this special issue represents the elaboration of papers first presented at a special session, “Indigenous Peoples in Isolation: Terminology, Territory and Processes of Contact,” organized by Minna Opas, Felipe Milanez, Luis Felipe Torres, and Glenn Shepard for the XI Salsa Conference held in Lima, Peru during July 2017.
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William H. Fisher, editor.
Most of the present issue is dedicated to anthropologist William T. Vickers. A number of contributions highlight his scientific and advocacy work among the Secoya and Siona people in Ecuador’s northeastern Amazon region.
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Suzanne Oakdale, guest editor.
The articles in this issue were presented in a session at the 2013 meetings of the American Anthropological Association in honor of Terence Turner.
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Elizabeth Rahman and Juan Alvaro Echeverri, issue editors
This special topic is drawn from the panel The Alchemical Person, which took place at IX Sesquiannual Conference of the Society for the Anthropology of Lowland South America (University Of Gothenburg, 2014).
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Robin M. Wright, guest editor
This Special Issue is in honor of Shelton H. Davis, one of the pioneers in anthropological advocacy of indigenous rights and a major contributor to the elaboration of socially and environmentally sound development policies at the World Bank.
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Fernando Santos-Granero and George Mentore, guest editors
This collection of essays on Amerindian modes of knowledge attempts to build upon the architecture of ideas present in the intellectual endeavors of Joanna Overing, result of a conference organized by her students at the University of Virginia (November 2015).
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Javier Ruedas & Jeffrey David Ehrenreich, guest editors:
The history of the papers in this special issue of Tipití is tied directly to the establishment of the Society for the Anthropology of Lowland South America (SALSA) and the creation of its journal.
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