The SALSA Solidarity Fund

The SALSA Solidarity Fund

SALSA is a non-profit group run by volunteers. Our organization’s administrative budget derives entirely from membership fees, and is fully dedicated to publishing the journal Tipití, and maintaining our website and listserv.  SALSA meetings are funded by conference registration fees and sponsorship by a hosting institution.

The Solidarity Fund is an additional source of funds donated by members and supporters. Its purpose is to allow us to explore new possibilities, such as stipends for international travel to the Biennial Meetings; student awards; an indigenous library fund; and other activities that support our goals of furthering the anthropology of Lowland South America through intellectual and collegial exchange.

The Fund is administered in accordance with the financial regulations and rules of the Society (see By-laws) and administered by the President with the Secretary/ Treasurer.  Decisions on the use of the funds are made by these officers with the Board of Directors, in consultation with the membership.

SALSA is a tax-exempt (501.c.3) organization and your contributions are tax-deductible.

Your contributions are sincerely appreciated.  This Voluntary Fund was created through the leadership of Past President Janet Chernela. The current Officers and Board of Directors welcome your suggestions for future initiatives. Write to SALSA President Laura Graham ([email protected]).