Tipití – Call for proposals (5-20-2024)
Tipití Call for proposals 2024 CALL FOR PROPOSALS: SPECIAL ISSUES In line with the editors’ stated aims, the...
May 20, 20240 -
Louis Forline: Book Review Editor of Tipití 2022-
Louis Forline University of Nevada, Reno Book Review Editor of Tipití 2022- Louis Forline is Associate Professor of the...
Guillermo Wilde: Associate Editor of Tipití 2022-
Guillermo Wilde Universidad Nacional de San Martín (Argentina) Associate Editor of Tipití 2022- Guillermo Wilde es especialista en la...
Joana Cabral de Oliveira: Associate Editor of Tipití 2022-
Joana Cabral de Oliveira Universidade Estadual de Campinas Associate Editor of Tipití 2022- Joana Cabral de Oliveira é professora...
Cecilia McCallum: Associate Editor of Tipití 2022-
Cecilia McCallum Universidade Federal da Bahia Associate Editor of Tipití 2022- Cecilia McCallum é de nacionalidade britânica, embora nascida...
Tipití’s new Editor-in-Chief and Associate Editors
New Editor-in-Chief and Associate Editors Tipití: Journal of the Society for the Anthropology of Lowland South America Dear Salserxs,...
Susana Viegas: Editor of Tipití 2022-
SUSANA DE MATOS VIEGAS is an anthropologist, Research Fellow at the Institute of Social Sciences of the University of…
William Fisher: Editor of Tipití 2017-2022
William Fisher\’s interests center on the way changes in environment, social relations and minds occurs and how these are understood…
Stephanie Aleman: Editor of Tipití 2016-2017
Stephanie Alemán University of Wisconsin at Milwaukee Editor of Tipití 2016-2017 Stephanie Alemán is Courtesy Assistant Professor of Anthropology and...
New Issue of Tipití 12(2)
New Issue of Tipití 12(2) We are pleased to publish this volume of the journal featuring a...
Michael Heckenberger: Co-Editor Tipití 2013-2016:
Michael Heckenberger University of Florida Co-editor Tipití 2013-2016 Website
Simone Athayde: Co-Editor Tipití 2013-2016
Simone Athayde University of Florida Co-editor Tipití 2013-2016 Website
New Editors for Tipití: S. Athayde & M. Heckenberger
New Editors for Tipití: Simone Athayde and Michael Heckenberger We announce the appointment of Michael J. Heckenberger (University of...
Laura Rival: Editor of Tipiti 2007-2013
Laura Rival woks on a number of interrelated projects that together illustrate her distinctive approach to the Anthropology of…
Jeffrey Ehrenreich: Editor of Tipití 2003-2007
Jeffrey Ehrenreich The University of New Orleans Editor of Tipití 2003-2007 Research Interests Cultural anthropology, critical theory and history of...