LIVING RUINS, ed. by P. Erikson & V. Vapnarsky (2022)
Living Ruins Native Engagements with Past Materialities in Contemporary Mesoamerica, Amazonia, and the Andes Edited by Philippe Erikson and...
July 28, 20220 -
PANEL 01: Urban Imaginaries in Native Amazonia
The powerful allure that big cities have exerted, and continue to exert, over the imaginaries of native Amazonian peoples…
Philippe Erikson: Member-At-Large 2011-2014:
Philippe Erikson Université Paris X-Nanterre Member-At-Large 2011-2014 Philippe Erikson was associate professor (since 1996), then full professor of anthropology...
Kenneth M. Kensinger Obituary by Philippe Erikson
Read Philippe Erikson\’s obituary of Kenneth Kensinger (in French): Kenneth M. Kensinger (1931-2010), Journal de la Société des Américanistes, 2011, 97-2, pp. 388-396….
SALSA V Sesquiannual Conference – Oxford/Paris
2008 SALSA V Sesquiannual Conference – Oxford/Paris To reflect the international character of our growing society and to celebrate...
Philippe Erikson: Organizer of the 5th SALSA Conference
Philippe Erikson Co-organizer Fifth Sesquiannual Conference: Oxford, UK & Paris, France, 17-21 June 2008 See posts tagged Philippe...