PANEL 04: The Chibchan Peoples
At contact, the Chibchan speaking peoples inhabited a compact zone stretching from southeastern Central America to far northwestern South…
January 25, 20200 -
The Bennington Meetings
The Bennington Meetings (1971-1996) Back in the 1960s and 1970s Robert Carneiro worked on the permanent exhibit of South...
Jeffrey Ehrenreich: Organizer of the 10th SALSA Conference
Jeffrey Ehrenreich Co-Organizer Tenth Sesquiannual Conference: Tulane, USA, 8-10 January 2016 See posts tagged Jeffrey Ehrenreich See posts about...
SALSA X Sesquiannual Conference 2016
2016 X Sesquiannual Conference – Tulane The SALSA X Sesquiannual Conference was held at Tulane University (New Orleans) with William...
Jeffrey Ehrenreich: Editor of Tipití 2003-2007
Jeffrey Ehrenreich The University of New Orleans Editor of Tipití 2003-2007 Research Interests Cultural anthropology, critical theory and history of...
SALSA Organizing Meeting
2001 SALSA Organizing Meeting “Indigenous Amazonia at the Millennium: Politics and Religion” – New Orleans, LA In 2001, William Balée...
Jeffrey Ehrenreich: Convener of the SALSA Organizing Meeting
Jeffrey Ehrenreich Co-Convener SALSA Organizing Meeting Indigenous Amazonia at the Millennium: Politics and Religion: Tulane, LA, USA, 11-14 January...