SALSA Conferences

SALSA Conferences are among the world’s foremost venues for presenting original research on Lowland South America
The conferences of the Society for the Anthropology of Lowland South America (SALSA) strive to provide an environment conducive to extensive discussion and exchange of ideas and information among scholars specializing in all fields of lowland South American anthropology and related disciplines.
SALSA hold twelve sesquiannual (every one and a half years) conferences since the Society was organized in 2001 until 2017. Since the XII conference in Vienna in 2019, SALSA conferences have continued to be organized biennially. Ideally (contingent on local host sponsorship), the site of our conference rotates among Europe, South America, and North America. To date, SALSA conferences have included thematic panels and workshops, as well as research posters, film screenings, discussion forums, publication exchanges, museum receptions, and other events.
Current Conference
Previous Conferences
Keynote speaker: John Hemming (Chairman, Amazon Charitable Trust, former Director, Royal Geographic Society). Conference organizer: Donald Pollock (State University of New York at Buffalo).
Conference organizers: William Balée (Professor, Department of Anthropology, Tulane University) and Jeffrey Ehrenreich (Professor, Department of Anthroplogy, University of New Orleans).
The Bennington Meetings were annual weekend gatherings hosted by Kenneth Kensinger, a legendarily generous and insightful colleague. Each summer, Ken welcomed graduate students and eminent scholars alike, to gather in his home in rural Vermont. SALSA’s collegial and inclusive ethos draws its inspiration from these meetings.