Beth A. Conklin Tag

Vulnerabilidade Demográfica e Infraestrutural das Terras Indígenas à Covid-19 (4-20-20)

Análise de Vulnerabilidade Demográfica e Infraestrutural das Terras Indígenas à Covid-1 Asociacão Brasileira de Estudos Populacionais 20 Abril 2020   Este caderno tem como objetivo contribuir para os programas de prevenção ao novo coronavírus – Covid-19 – entre os povos indígenas a partir da avaliação de informações demográficas, infraestruturais...

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Thematic Session 2: Sensing and knowing a transforming world

Thematic Session 2: Sensing and knowing a transforming world SALSA XII Sesquiannual Conference - Vienna, 2019   Chair: Carlos David Londoño Sulkin, University of Regina, Canada Session Schedule Thursday, 27 June, KHM Vortragssaal 16:00 16:20 Caissa Revilla Minaya. Biological Conservation and Ontological Conflicts among the Matsigenka of the Peruvian Amazon. 16:20 16:40 Beth Conklin. Between Science...

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Conversations in the Lobby 2014

Conversations in the Lobby 2014: Anthropossibilities: What Can Amazonianists Bring to the Conversation? SALSA IX Sesquiannual Conference, Gothenburg 2014 Organizer: Beth A. Conklin (Vanderbilt University / SALSA President) Abstract What is our work good for? Not, what purpose does it serve for scholarship and South American people and causes,...

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Beth Conklin: SALSA President 2011-2014

Beth Conklin Vanderbilt University SALSA President 2011-2014 Ex-Officio Member of the SALSA Board 2014-2020 Beth A. Conklin is a cultural and medical anthropologist specializing in the ethnography of indigenous peoples of lowland South America (Amazonia). Her research focuses on the anthropology of the body, religion and ritual, health and healing,death...

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