
Thematic Session 2: Sensing and knowing a transforming world

Thematic Session 2: Sensing and knowing a transforming world

SALSA XII Sesquiannual Conference – Vienna, 2019


Sensing and knowing a transforming worldChair: Carlos David Londoño Sulkin, University of Regina, Canada

Session Schedule

Thursday, 27 June, KHM Vortragssaal
16:00 16:20 Caissa Revilla Minaya. Biological Conservation and Ontological Conflicts among the Matsigenka of the Peruvian Amazon.
16:20 16:40 Beth Conklin. Between Science and Symbol: Microbial Perspectives on Sensory Perception and Social Practice in Native Amazonia.
16:40 16:50 Questions and comments
16:50 17:10 Erik Levin. The Amawaka Sensorium and the Practice of Perspectivism.
17:10 17:30 Pawel Chyc. Animism and language shift among the Moré from the Bolivian Amazon.
17:30 17:40 Questions and comments

SALSA 2019 Panels