SALSA’s News Archive

SALSA Against Law 490/2007

SALSA Statement Against Brazil’s Proposed Law #490/2007 (6-27-21)

SALSA Statement Condemning Brazil’s Proposed Law #490/2007 27 June 2021 Strongly supported by the agro-industrial sector, Law #490/2007 provides for several changes in the territorial rights of Indigenous Peoples as guaranteed by Brazil’s Constitution. The law applies the “time limit thesis” (marco temporal) to the question of demarcating...

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Peter Gow

Remembrance of PETER GOW (1958-2021)

[caption id="attachment_15206" align="alignleft" width="300"] Cuicocha, Ecuador, 1997 (photo by Carlos Fausto)[/caption] Lembrança de Peter Gow In-Memoriam (bilingual Portuguese-English) Aparecida Vilaça   Peter Gow foi um dos antropólogos mais originais e sensíveis que conheci. A sua tese de doutorado, uma etnografia do povo Piro/Yine da Amazônia peruana, publicada em 1991...

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