XIV SALSA Biennial Conference
Academic Program
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[pdf-embedder url="https://salsa-tipiti.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/07/SALSA-2023-Programa-academico.pdf" title="SALSA 2023-Programa académico"]...
Magütá Ethnographic Museum of Mocagua
Sightseeing and Recommended Activities
XIV SALSA Biennial Conference 2023
The Magütá Museum is a family heritage, created in 2019 by Abel Antonio Santos, Magütá teacher and linguist, who completed his PhD at the Amazonia campus of Universidad Nacional de Colombia. For 20 years,...
Children of the Rainforest
Shaping the Future in Amazonia
By Camilla Morelli
Forword and Afterword by Roldán Dunú Tumi Dësi
Rutgers University Press, 2023
Children of the Rainforest explores the lives of children growing up in a time of radical change in Amazonia. The book draws on ethnographic fieldwork conducted...
Health advice for travelers to Colombia
XIV SALSA Biennial Conference
European foreign ministries recommend to travelers to Colombia a series of vaccinations to prevent certain diseases, especially if traveling to jungle areas. The following is recommended to all SALSA attendees:
Consult your doctor (at your country's preventive...
La posición Achuar
La corriente de mi vida
De Luis Vargas Canelos
con la colaboración de Grégory Deshoulliere
Abya-Yala, 2022
La Posición achuar es ante todo un libro de lucha, como lo es la vida que cuenta. Transformando la oralidad en palabra escrita, Luis Vargas Canelos narra con precisión sus...
Reserva Natural Acapú
Sightseeing and Recommended Activities
XIV SALSA Biennial Conference 2023
Acapú is a Natural Reserve that offers a tourist option composed of four dimensions: Education, Research, Social inclusion, and Cultural and environmental conservation of the Amazon
We offer exceptional tourism and educational experiences, which motivate us to...