
Journal of the Society for the Anthropology of Lowland South America

Tipití is the only refereed journal entirely dedicated to lowland South American Anthropology. Tipití is increasingly recognized as an established and cutting-edge journal for lowland South American anthropology scholarship. Although lowland South American anthropology is far from being a unified, homogeneous field of research, it is renewing anthropological thinking on a number of issues through its debates and its diversity. And although various schools of Amazonian anthropology, rooted in different national traditions, co-exist today, they all share the same commitment to ethnography, as well as the view that it is through advancing cross-cultural comparative research that lowland South American specialists will contribute to anthropological theory. Tipití is committed to providing a space for such a diverse intellectual meeting-ground.

Editorial Team

Editor-in Chief

Associate Editors

Book Review Editor

Editorial Board

Past Editors