SALSA’s News Archive

land protection covid

How to Protect Rights without Leaving the Community? (4-14-20)

Urgent new scenarios for political advocacy and strategic communication Servindi 4-14-2020 The crisis unleashed by the COVID-19 pandemic poses new scenarios and urgent challenges for political advocacy and strategic communication in favor of indigenous peoples. If something is clear in the new context we are living in, it is...

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familia ashaninka

Urgent Measures from Cooperation to Help Indigenous Peoples (4-11-20)

Urgent Measures from Cooperation to Help Indigenous Peoples Servindi 4-11-2020 With the COVID-19 pandemic, an unpredictable and changing scenario prevails. However, despite the uncertainty, what urgent measures emerge to help indigenous peoples? Indigenous communities "are almost three times more likely to live in extreme poverty, and therefore to be...

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Covid in Amazonas

Número de casos de indígenas infectados por coronavírus triplica a cada 5 dias no país; aldeia no Amazonas tem 33 novos registros (4-24-20)

Número de casos de indígenas infectados por coronavírus triplica a cada 5 dias no país; aldeia no Amazonas tem 33 novos registros Daniel Biasetto 04-24-2020 Distrito do Alto Solimões ultrapassou Manaus e já tem 38 exames positivos; em todo o Brasil já são ao menos 84 índios contaminados...

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Os casos de Covid-19 entre indígenas estão aumentando (4-30-20)

Os casos de Covid-19 entre indígenas estão aumentando De: Adriana Ramos <[email protected]> Fecha: El jue, 30 de abr. de 2020 a la(s) 07:50 Asunto: Os casos de Covid-19 entre indígenas estão aumentando Para: Thomas Moore Thomas, A pandemia de Covid-19 está se agravando também entre os povos indígenas, população extremamente vulnerável...

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IACHR Pandemic and Human rights

InterAmerican Court for Human Rights states pandemic health care is a human right (4-10-20)

Pandemic and Human Rights in Americas InterAmerican Court for Human Rights 4-10-20 InterAmerican Court for Human Rights has issued resolution stating pandemic health care is a human right. Read the whole resolution:

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