SALSA’s News Archive

Petição Lélia e Sebastião

Petição: Lélia e Sebastião Salgado: ajude a proteger os povos e indígenas da Amazônia do Covid (5-1-20)

Petição: Lélia e Sebastião Salgado: ajude a proteger os povos e indígenas da Amazônia do Covid Sebastião Salgado e Lélia Wanick Salgado 5-1-2020 Apelo urgente ao presidente do Brasil e aos líderes do legislativo e judiciário Os povos indígenas do Brasil enfrentam uma grave ameaça à sua própria sobrevivência...

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Puerto Azul – Cacataibo – invasores llevó a la Policía Nacional del Perú para intentar desbloquear el acceso a la comunidad (5-1-20)

[video width="234" height="426" mp4="ónicos-en-la-pandemia-de-COVID-19.mp4"][/video] Puerto Azul - Cacataibo - invasores llevó a la Policía Nacional del Perú para intentar desbloquear el acceso a la comunidad FENACOCA 5-1-2020 Con mucha preocupación, compartimos el siguiente mensaje de la Federación Nativa de Comunidades Cacataibo (FENACOCA): "La comunidad de Puerto Azul cerró sus...

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Deforestation in Para

As deforestation surges, Brazil moves to weaken indigenous and environmental safeguards (4-29-20)

As deforestation surges, Brazil moves to weaken indigenous and environmental safeguards Lucy Jordan and Ana Terra Athayde 4-29-2020 Critics accuse Bolsonaro and allies of using the pandemic as cover to rush through amnesty for past destruction and occupation of forested land, and expose indigenous land to higher risk...

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A man in Puerto Maldonado

Peru indigenous warn of ‘ethnocide by inaction’ as coronavirus hits Amazon tribes (4-24-20)

Peru indigenous warn of 'ethnocide by inaction' as coronavirus hits Amazon tribes Maria Cervantes 4-24-2020 Indigenous tribes in Peru’s Amazon say the government has left them to fend for themselves against the coronavirus, risking “ethnocide by inaction,” according to a letter from natives to the United Nations and...

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