SALSA’s News Archive

SALSA webmaster

SALSA Website and Social Media Team (5-20-20)

SALSA Website and Social Media Team 5-20-20 The maintenance of the the SALSA-Tipití website and social media is now supported by the following SALSA Members: SALSA Webmaster Juan Alvaro Echeverri Universidad Nacional de Colombia, sede Amazonia. From July 1, 2019 thru June 30, 2022. CV: Associate Webmaster Filip Rogalski Institute of Philosophy and Sociology,...

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Norm and Sibby Whitten Research Fund 2020-2021 Guidelines

Norm and Sibby Whitten Research Fund 2020-2021 Application deadline: November 15, 2020 (see guidelines in PDF format) The Norm and Sibby Whitten Research Fund 2020-2021 supports pre-project travel grants for full- time graduate students in the early stages of formulating their dissertation research proposal. This Grant-in-Aid is to...

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María Antonieta Guzmán-Gallegos

María Antonieta Guzmán-Gallegos: Member-at-Large 2020-2024

María Antonieta Guzmán-Gallegos VID Specialized University- Oslo Member-at-Large of the SALSA Board 2020-2024 María Antonieta Guzmán-Gallegos is Associate Professor at VID Specialized University- Oslo. Her research explores how the constitution of persons - of gendered bodies - interweaves with perceptions of and practices related to human and non-human...

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ISA covid-19

Saiba como ajudar indígenas e povos da floresta no combate ao coronavírus (ISA)

Saiba como ajudar indígenas e povos da floresta no combate ao coronavírus Iniciativas em todo o Brasil reúnem doações de produtos e fundos para comunidades e aldeias, mais vulneráveis a infecções respiratórias É hora de nos unirmos contra o Covid-19. Com o avanço do novo coronavírus no...

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