SALSA Publications Committee
This standing committee of the SALSA Board of Directors serves as a resource to advise and support the Editorial…
October 10, 20210 -
HISTÓRIAS INDÍGENAS orgs. Mattos, Cramaussel, Moreira & Silva (2020)
Histórias indígenas Memória, interculturalidade e cidadania na América Latina Izabel Missagia de Mattos Chantal Cramaussel Vânia Maria Losada Moreira...
PANEL 01: Urban Imaginaries in Native Amazonia
The powerful allure that big cities have exerted, and continue to exert, over the imaginaries of native Amazonian peoples…
PANEL 02: Creating, Transforming, Transmitting
This panel focuses on creative processes and the semantics fields of formation, reproduction and reconfiguration of life, the world…
The Sibling Relationship in Lowland South America
Working Papers on South American Indians, Number 7, March 1985 (File format: PDF. File size: 677 KB)
Organizer and Convener: Judith… -
Jonathan Hill on the Mashco-Piro situation (6-17-15)
I wanted to share this podcast from BBC’s Science in Action in which I was interviewed last Thursday on...
Mashco-Piro Situation – SALSA letter (10.14.14)
SALSA Letter on the situation of the Mashco-Piro (10.14.14) Letter to Diana Álvarez-Calderón Gallo, Minister of Culture, Peru [English...
Jonathan Hill: SALSA President 2014-2017
Jonathan Hill is Professor and former Chair of Anthropology at Southern Illinois University and Visiting Professor at Vytautus Magnus…
ETHNICITY IN ANCIENT AMAZONIA ed. by A. Hornborg & J. Hill (2013)
Ethnicity in Ancient Amazonia: Reconstructing Past Identities from Archaeology, Linguistics, and Ethnohistory Edited by Alf Hornborg & Jonathan Hill...