The Sibling Relationship in Lowland South America
December 18, 2019
The Sibling Relationship in Lowland South America
Working Papers on South American Indians, Number 7, March 1985
(File format: PDF. File size: 677 KB)
Organizer and Convener: Judith Shapiro
Editor: Kenneth M. Kensinger
- Foreword by Kenneth M. Kensinger
- The Sibling Relationship in Lowland South America: General Considerations by Judith Shapiro
- Looking for a Sister: Culina Siblingship and Affinity by Donald K. Pollock
- Nambiquara Brothers by David Price
- Cashinahua Siblingship by Kenneth M. Kensinger
- Agnatic Sibling Relations and Rank in Arawakan Myth and Social Life by Jonathan D. Hill
- The Sibling Relationship among the Uanano of the Northwest Amazon: The Case of Nicho by Janet Chernela
- Sibling Relations in Lowland South America: A Commentary on Symposium Papers by Raymond C. Kelly
- Comment on Siblingship in Lowland South America by Elen B. Basso
- Bibliography