SALSA Statement Murder of Arnaldo Benitez Vargas
Declaración de SALSA Condenando el asesinato de Arnaldo Benitez Vargas y la violencia contra el pueblo Paì-Tavyterã del Paraguay...
April 30, 20240 -
SALSA Statement – Removal of Settlers Illegally Ocuppying the Apyterewa and Trincheira-Bacajá Indigenous Territories
La Sociedad para la Antropología de las Tierras Bajas de América del Sur – SALSA, organización académica internacional compuesta…
Declaração da SALSA pedindo-lhe para vetar o Projeto de Lei no 2.903/2023 Marco temporal (10-8-23)
La Sociedad para la Antropología de las Tierras Bajas de América del Sur – SALSA, organización académica internacional compuesta…
SALSA Statement Against Brazil’s Proposed Law #490/2007 (6-27-21)
SALSA Statement Condemning Brazil’s Proposed Law #490/2007 27 June 2021 Strongly supported by the agro-industrial sector, Law #490/2007 provides...
SALSA Denuncia a Posição Radical da FUNAI no Brasil (5-7-20)
PIAC STATEMENT: SALSA is united in voicing our strong opposition to policies proposed by Brazil’s National Indian Foundation (FUNAI)…
Extraction of Minerals in Indigenous Lands – ABA Declaration (2-21-20)
ABA’s Declaration concerning Brazilian Government authorization of research and extraction of minerals and hydrocarbons in Indigenous Lands SALSA...
Indigenous land invasions in Brazil: SALSA statement (8.01.19)
SALSA strongly condemns the recent invasion of native lands in Brazil by several thousand illegal gold-miners, and we call…
Murder threats against Tupinanba Chief Babau – Petition calling for a full investigation (2.12.19)
Tupinamba Chief Babau threatened to death for leading demarcation process of the Terra Indigene Tupinamba de Olivença, Bahia-(in Portuguese)
FUNAI Recognizes Indigenous Territories (4.19.16)
FUNAI Recognizes Four Indigenous Territories On Tuesday, April 19, 2016 (Dia do Índio), and after years of delay and...
Indígena Guarani pedindo demarcação das terras (6.12.14)
A imagem que nenhuma televisão mostrou na abertura da copa: o indígena Guarani pedindo demarcação das terras “Indígena Guarani...