SALSA V Sesquiannual Conference – Oxford/Paris

SALSA V Sesquiannual Conference 2008

2008 SALSA V Sesquiannual Conference – Oxford/Paris

To reflect the international character of our growing society and to celebrate Claude Lévi-Strauss’ 100th birth year, SALSA V Sesquiannual Conference was held in Europe, 17-21 June 2010. The main meeting took place in Oxford, followed by a special event in Paris. Laura Rival (Oxford University) and Philippe Erikson (Université de Paris–X) were in charge of the organization of the conference.

Conference Highlights

SALSA V Sesquiannual Conference Overing Lévi-Strauss

We had a double Keynote Lecture: our distinguished keynote speaker in Oxford was Joanna Overing  (Professor, Department of Social Anthropology, University of St. Andrews), who gave a memorable speech after the conference dinner; and, from Paris, Claude Lévi-Strauss (Chair of Social Anthropology, Collège de France) addressed the conference by video.

There was a tribute paid to David Maybury-Lewis after a reception at the Pitt Rivers Museum. Peter Rivière and Harald Prins  shared wonderful memories of David with us.

This was followed by the viewing of recent films by Laura Graham and Aristoteles Barcelo Neto.

Academic Program

Papers presented at the Oxford meeting were given in six different panels.
Conference Program
Panel and Paper Abstracts