SALSA I Sesquiannual Conference – Annapolis

SALSA I Sesquiannual Conference - Annapolis

2002 SALSA I Sesquiannual Conference

Annapolis, MD

The SALSA I Sesquiannual Conference was held in Annapolis, Maryland (USA) from 7-8 June, 2002. Donald Pollock (State University of New York at Buffalo) was the conference organizer.

Conference Highlights

John Hemming (Chairman, Amazon Charitable Trust, former Director, Royal Geographic Society) delivered the keynote lecture “Karl von den Steinen and Kurt Nimuendajú.”

Academic Program

Conference Program

Published Papers derived from this Conference

John Hemming’s keynote lecture was published in SALSA’s journal Tipití 1(2), 2003, with the title A Fresh Look at Amazon Indians: Karl von den Steinen and Curt Nimuendajú, Giants of Brazilian Anthropology.