
Keynote Lecture 2002: John Hemming

John HemmingKeynote Lecture 2002

Karl von den Steinen and Kurt Nimuendajú

SALSA I Sesquiannual Conference, Annapolis

John Hemming, Chairman, Amazon Charitable Trust, and former Director, Royal Geographic Society


John Henry Hemming CMG (born 5 January 1935) is a historian and explorer, expert on Incas and indigenous peoples of the Amazon basin. John Hemming was or is trustee of many charities, including being one of the founders of Survival International, ten years on the board of The British Council, twelve years at the John Ellerman Foundation, Lepra (leprosy), Earthwatch, The Rainforest Foundation, Gilchrist Educational Trust, Global Diversity Foundation, The Hakluyt Society, the Amazon Charitable Trust, Anglo-Peruvian Society and the Anglo-Brazilian Society. See more in John Hemming’s Wikipedia page.

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