XIV SALSA Biennial Conference – Instructions for Individual Proposals
XIV SALSA Biennial Conference
Instructions for Individual Proposals
Paper, Film, Exhibition, Artistic Work, Poster, Contribution to Special Events
Individual Proposal Submission Form
(Submissions closed)
Please contact the organizers by email before submitting an individual proposal to any of the Thematic Panels, Workshops or Special Events.
We invite proposals in the following categories:
- Individual Papers, either as part of an accepted Panel or Workshop, or independent.
- Films volunteered to be screened during the conference.
- Exhibitions / Artistic Works, to be exhibited or presented during the conference.
- Posters, open to non-member students.
- Contributions to Specials Events (Roundtable, Forum, Debate), open to non-academic participants.
The deadline for proposal submission is February 15, 2023. Notification of acceptance: March 10, 2023.
Abstracts and papers may be submitted and presented in English, Portuguese or Spanish. For all categories, except Posters and Contributions to Special Events, presenters must be SALSA members and must have earned a Ph.D. or be an advanced student in a Ph.D. program. Posters and Special Events are open to non-academic participants, students, and to professional members. If you have in mind a special contribution but are not sure about the format or where it could fit in the program, please email the Academic Program Chair who will be happy to discuss your options.
Paper presentations in panels must be no longer than 20 minutes in length. Normally, there shall be a limit of one paper and one other official role in the conference (chair, discussant, organizer) per person.
Expedited Review Option: For international members and others who require earlier notification about acceptance of their proposals (for example, to apply for travel funds through your home institution), we offer an expedited review. Check the relevant box on the form when you submit the proposal. You will receive notification within ten days, accompanied (if accepted) by an official letter of invitation.
SALSA Membership: Membership in SALSA must be up to date to submit a proposal. PhD students presenting papers must be SALSA members. Membership is not required for students presenting posters, but they must pay the conference registration. Individuals can join SALSA or renew their membership via the SALSA Club Express weblink (login/register, and then select “Join SALSA”). Membership rates (in US$) are:
- North America/Europe/UK Professional Member: $60
- Latin America/Asia/Africa Professional Member: $35
- Student Member: $35
- Indigenous/Traditional Participant: (waived)
Further information on SALSA membership.
Conference registration: Conference registration must be paid by March 31, 2023 to be included in the program, and can be paid later by those not presenting papers. Conference rates (in US$) are:
- North America/Europe/UK Professional Member: $200
- Latin America/Asia/Africa Professional Member: $90
- North America/Europe/UK Student Member: $50
- Latin America/Asia/Africa Student Member: $35
- Indigenous/Traditional Participant: (waived)
[expand title=”Individual Papers – Instructions for submission” tag=”h2″]
Submission of paper abstracts, either attached to a Panel or Workshop, or presented independently, should be presented using the SALSA 2023 Individual Paper Proposal Form by February 15, 2023. Papers attached to an accepted Panel or Workshop should contact first by email its organizers, and upon acceptance by the organizers, select the appropriate Panel or Workshop in the submission form.
The Program Chair will organize accepted independent papers (i.e. not attached to a panel or workshop) into thematic panels, or assign them to an appropriate organized panel that has an opening.
[expand title=”Films / Exhibitions – Instructions for submission” tag=”h2″]
Members volunteering a film to be screened during the conference, or willing to organize an exhibition or artistic work, should fill in the SALSA 2023 Individual Film/Exhibition Proposal Form by February 15, 2023. In the abstract section of the form, include a brief statement explaining the film’s theme, duration, author(s), producer(s), length and format, or the exhibition or artistic work’s characteristics and requirements.
[expand title=”Posters – Instructions for submission” tag=”h2″]
Open to non-member students and professional members.
Students at all levels may present a poster. SALSA membership is not required, but poster presenters must register and pay the student registration fee. To submit a poster proposal, presenters should fill in the SALSA 2023 Individual Poster Proposal Form by February 15, 2023.
[expand title=”Contributions to Special Events – Instructions for submission” tag=”h2″]
To submit a proposal for a contribution to a Special Event, presenters should fill in the SALSA 2023 Individual Contribution to Special Event Proposal Form by February 15, 2023. Papers attached to an accepted Special Event should contact first by email its organizers, and upon acceptance by the organizers, select the appropriate Special Event in the submission form.
Reminder Call for Individual Proposals
Natalia Buitron, Academic Program Chair, 11 January, 2023
This is a quick reminder for the call for individual proposals for Panels, Workshops and Special Events of the XVI SALSA Biennial Conference 2023. Please select your language on the auto-translate CAPTIONS – Subtitles (CC) options.
–Jeremy M. Campbell (SALSA President 2020-2023), Laura R. Graham (SALSA President-Elect 2023-2027), Simone Athayde (Secretary-Treasurer 2022-2025), Juan Alvaro Echeverri (SALSA 2023 Conference Organizer & SALSA Webmaster), Natalia Buitron (SALSA 2023 Academic Program Chair).
Please send all inquiries about this conference to:
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