SALSA 2023_nt

SALSA 2023 Concurso imagen

XIV Conferencia Bienal SALSA 2023 Concurso creación Imagen Oficial Formulario de registro / cadastro: Fecha límite / Data límite: 17 marzo 2023 24 marzo 2023 Anuncio ganadores / Anúncio vencedores: 31 marzo 2023 10 abril 2023 Lea aquí las bases del concurso (ESPAÑOL): [expand title="Concurso de creación de Imagen Oficial"...

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SALSA 2023 Workshops

XIV SALSA Biennal Conference 2023 Talleres Oficinas A Workshop is a focused discussion of a topic defined by the workshop organizers, with well-developed papers submitted in advance and the expectation that participants will read and be prepared to discuss each other’s papers. Workshops are broken down into 1:40-hour...

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SALSA 2023 Special Events

XIV SALSA Biennal Conference 2023 Eventos especiales Eventos especiais Special Events open up new modes of exchange beyond academic interests, and encourage members to feel and reflect on how we go about co-producing and sharing knowledge with research participants, communities, collaborators, and policymakers. Special events are broken down...

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SALSA 2023 Presenters & Abstracts

XIV SALSA Biennal Conference 2023 Presentadores y resúmenes Apresentadores e resumos Abel, Matthew Washington University in St. Louis, USA The migrating sibling pair in Amazonian riverine society This paper examines the understudied role of migrating sibling pairs in riverine communities in Brazil’s Amazon delta. Drawing on censduclotus data and genealogies of...

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SALSA 2023 Panels

XIV SALSA Biennal Conference 2023 Paneles temáticos Painéis temáticos Each panel consists of a minimum of four and a maximum of fifteen paper presentations. The panels are divided into sessions of 1 hour and 40 minutes in the program schedule. Cada panel consta de un mínimo de cuatro...

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