
Keynote Lecture 2004 Viveiros

Keynote Lecture 2004: Eduardo Viveiros de Castro

Keynote Lecture 2004 Perspectival anthropology and the method of controlled equivocation SALSA II Sesquiannual Conference, Miami Eduardo Viveiros de Castro, Professor, Program in Social Anthropology, Museu Nacional, Universidade Federal de Rio de Janeiro   This lecture was published in SALSA’s journal Tipití 2 (1), 2004. Keynote Lecture 2004 Speaker Eduardo Viveiros de Castro  é...

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John Hemming

Keynote Lecture 2002: John Hemming

Keynote Lecture 2002 Karl von den Steinen and Kurt Nimuendajú SALSA I Sesquiannual Conference, Annapolis John Hemming, Chairman, Amazon Charitable Trust, and former Director, Royal Geographic Society   John Henry Hemming CMG (born 5 January 1935) is a historian and explorer, expert on Incas and indigenous peoples of the Amazon...

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