
SALSA XIII Conference University of Virginia Charlottesville-1

Panels/Workshops receiving proposals (1-25-21)

Approved Panels and Workshops Still Receiving Proposals 2021 SALSA XIII Biennial Conference - Charlottesville If interested in participating in a panel or workshop that is still receiving proposals, please email the organizers of that event.  If they invite you to join their event, you can then submit...

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SALSA XIII Biennial Conference

Conference Participation Award

Conference Participation Award 2021 SALSA XIII Biennial Conference - Charlottesville     Prêmio de Participação na Conferência SALSA 2021: Como parte do compromisso da SALSA em co-criar conhecimento com os interlocutores da antropologia nas terras baixas da América do Sul, nos dedicamos a criar um espaço acadêmico aberto e acessível...

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