SALSA XIII Biennial Conference – Registration instructions

SALSA XIII Biennial Conference SALSA XIII Biennial Conference

ClubExpress Registration Instructions

Deadline April 30th, 2021

We are looking forward to seeing you at the forthcoming SALSA conference. Here is some additional information on how to register.

SALSA membership is required for SALSA registration. Are you a new member? Please follow this link to join SALSA: Are you already a member? Please navigate to the SALSA Club Express page and login to the Club Express site. If you need to renew your membership, please follow these instructions.

Annual SALSA Membership Fees

Europe/North America Professional Member: US$ 60.00
Latin America Professional Member: US$ 35.00
Asia/Africa/Pacific Professional Member US$ 35.00
Student Member: US$ 35.00

SALSA XIII Biennial Conference Registration Fees

There are two options for the registration fee. We ask that participants pay what they can, given their means.

Supporting Participant: US$65: Get full access to participate in all conference events. Your support will significantly contribute to covering Conference costs, including web design and management, translation services, archival and technical support, and ensuring that the meetings are globally inclusive. SALSA membership is required at the time of conference registration.

Conference Participant: US$10: Get full access to participate in all conference events. SALSA membership is required at the time of conference registration.

  1. To begin registration, please make sure you are logged into the SALSA Club Express page.
  2. Once you have logged in, please select “2021 SALSA Conference” located on the far left in the navigation page.
  3. Scroll down and select “Register for the 2021 SALSA Conference
  4. In the Event View, please select “Register Now”.
  5. Follow the steps to complete registration.

If you are having trouble with payment, please email Laura Zanotti, SALSA Secretary-Treasurer ([email protected]).

–Jeremy M. Campbell (SALSA President 2020-2023), Laura R. Graham (SALSA President-Elect 2023-2027), Laura Zanotti (Secretary-Treasurer 2017-2020), George Mentore (SALSA 2021 Conference Organizer), Laura Mentore (SALSA 2021 Academic Program Chair), Juan Alvaro Echeverri (SALSA Webmaster).

Please send all inquiries about this conference to: [email protected]