SALSA Publications Committee
This standing committee of the SALSA Board of Directors serves as a resource to advise and support the Editorial…
October 10, 20210 -
Higino vive! (Renato Athias, 6-23-20)
Higino vive! Renato Athias 23 Junho 2020 Nestes tempos de pandemia eu acordo como sempre, sem saber em que...
Lições de Nova Zelândia sobre o combate contra o COVID-19 para a região do Rio Negro (R. Athias, 5-12-20)
Quais as lições Nova Zelândia sobre o combate contra o COVID-19 para a região do Rio Negro, no Amazonas...
PANEL 10: Native Objects, World Histories
During the colonial period, Europeans in the New World collected indigenous material culture to be exhibited in what were…
Reconhecimento dos Rios Içana, Ayari e Uaupés: Apontamentos Linguisticos e Fotografias de Curt Nimuendajú Edited by Renato Athias...
Renato Athias: Member-at-Large 2014-2017
Renato Athias Federal University of Pernambuco (UFPE) Member-at-Large of the SALSA Board 2014-2017 Renato Athias is Associate Professor in the...
Curt Nimuendajú’s Photographic Legacy of the Indians of the Rio Negro in 1927 (2013)
This set of 17 photographs is part of a larger collection which are in the Ethnographic Collection Carlos Estevão…
500 Anos: A Outra História (2012)
500 Anos – A Outra História presents the national meeting of the Indigenous people in Brazil during the celebration of…
Menino no Rancho (2012)
This video presents a ritual among the Pankararu Indians of Pernambuco Brazil. Renato Athias, 2012.