Posts tagged with ‘indigenous’

  • Kaisa-talon avajaiset 3.9.2012_2012Opening of the Kaisa-house

    Amazon fires in Brazil: open letter (8.26.19)

    We join our voices to those in Brazil and throughout the world who are outraged by the swathe of…

  • Kaisa-talon avajaiset 3.9.2012_2012Opening of the Kaisa-house

    Crimes against Pemón Indigenous Peoples: Letter to Venezuelan Government (8.04.19)

    SALSA strongly condemns the murders, expulsion and persecution of indigenous Pemón people by security forces of the Venezuelan government…

  • Kaisa-talon avajaiset 3.9.2012_2012Opening of the Kaisa-house

    Indigenous human rights in Brazil – Letter to Dilma Rousseff (2.18.16)

    We write this letter to denounce the Brazilian state’s systemic disregard of the rights and well-being of indigenous peoples

  • Kaisa-talon avajaiset 3.9.2012_2012Opening of the Kaisa-house

    16 June 2014 – Tribal Chiefs Talk At Oxford University

    Tribal Chiefs Talk At Oxford University “Tribal chiefs from Brazil stressed the importance of the Amazon rainforest in a...

  • Kaisa-talon avajaiset 3.9.2012_2012Opening of the Kaisa-house

    Agressões em Belo Monte (5.28.14)

    Agressões em Belo Monte Indígenas Denunciam Agressões em Belo Monte. Protestos de índios no local de construção da hidrelétrica...

  • Kaisa-talon avajaiset 3.9.2012_2012Opening of the Kaisa-house

    Exploração sexual de meninas indígenas (05-16-14)

    Exploração sexual de meninas indígenas O Ministério Público Federal no Amazonas (MPF/AM) entrou com ação civil pública para pedir...

  • Kaisa-talon avajaiset 3.9.2012_2012Opening of the Kaisa-house

    Governing Indigenous Territories

    Governing Indigenous Territories: Enacting Sovereignty in the Ecuadorian Amazon By Juliet S. Erazo Duke University Press, 2013 Governing Indigenous...
