Amazon fires in Brazil: open letter (8.26.19)
We join our voices to those in Brazil and throughout the world who are outraged by the swathe of…
August 26, 20190 -
Crimes against Pemón Indigenous Peoples: Letter to Venezuelan Government (8.04.19)
SALSA strongly condemns the murders, expulsion and persecution of indigenous Pemón people by security forces of the Venezuelan government…
Indigenous human rights in Brazil – Letter to Dilma Rousseff (2.18.16)
We write this letter to denounce the Brazilian state’s systemic disregard of the rights and well-being of indigenous peoples
16 June 2014 – Tribal Chiefs Talk At Oxford University
Tribal Chiefs Talk At Oxford University “Tribal chiefs from Brazil stressed the importance of the Amazon rainforest in a...
Agressões em Belo Monte (5.28.14)
Agressões em Belo Monte Indígenas Denunciam Agressões em Belo Monte. Protestos de índios no local de construção da hidrelétrica...
Exploração sexual de meninas indígenas (05-16-14)
Exploração sexual de meninas indígenas O Ministério Público Federal no Amazonas (MPF/AM) entrou com ação civil pública para pedir...
Governing Indigenous Territories
Governing Indigenous Territories: Enacting Sovereignty in the Ecuadorian Amazon By Juliet S. Erazo Duke University Press, 2013 Governing Indigenous...