SALSA IV Sesquiannual Conference – Santa Fe, NM

SALSA iv sesquiannual conference

2007 SALSA IV Sesquiannual Conference – Santa Fe, NM

The SALSA IV Sesquiannual Conference was held in Santa Fe, New Mexico (USA), from 12-14 January, 2007. Janet Chernela (University of Maryland) and Alf Hornborg (Lund University) were conference organizers.

Conference Highlights

Stephen Hugh-Jones 2007 SALSA IV Sesquiannual Conference - Santa Fe, NM

Stephen Hugh-Jones

Steven Hugh-Jones (Fellow in Social Anthropology, King’s College, Cambridge University) delivered the keynote lecture, titled “DIY Anthropology: Some reflections on self-reflection in northwest Amazonia”. Abstract: In this talk I will consider the series Coleção Narradores Indigenas do Rio Negro, eight volumes of mythology and other materials published by ISA/FOIRN, from several standpoints. I will consider the processes and the material from the differing perspectives of Tukanoans and Baniwa (looking at both contemporary issues and traditional systems of rank and prestige), as well as the perspectives and the implications for those of us who work in lowland South America. What does it mean to us when indigenous peoples are the producers of their own anthropology?

Academic Program

Conference Program
Paper Abstracts;


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