Norm and Sibby Whitten Research Fund

Whitten Research Fund

The Norm and Sibby Whitten Research Fund

The Norm and Sibby Whitten Research Fund supports pre-project travel grants for master and doctoral students in the early formulation of their field research. This Grant-in-Aid is to initiate contact and collaborative working relationships with partner institutions and scholars, as well as with local communities. It can both facilitate contacts with local communities for the purpose of acquiring any necessary permissions for the future research and to initiate fieldwork.
Preference is given to research projects in lowland South America that reflect the work and themes of Norman (Norm) and Dorothea (Sibby) Whitten, including, but not restricted to, topics such as Indigenous cosmologies, Indigenous knowledge-production, aesthetics and arts, health, gender, interculturality, cultural transformations, and histories of the present.

Calls for applications

Past Awardees


  • Ana Lucía Araujo Raurau (Clark University): Are Indigenous Territories enough for Indigenous peoples? Exploring land scarcity among Indigenous.
  • Nehemias Pino (University of Copenhagen):  The political dispute over the conceptualisation of Kichwa Forest Gardens in Ecuadorian Amazonia.
  • Matheus Azevedo (Radboud University): Understanding the Dynamics of Language Contact through Psychoactive Plant Lexicon Ecuadorian Amazon.
  • Daniel Zohar (London School of Economics): Growing agency? Plant subjectivity and its transformations in western Amazonia.
  • Cintia Cruz Pereira (University of Helsinki): Bridging Indigenous Knowledge and Global Food Policies: The Role of Indigenous Food Systems in Sustainability and Resilience.
  • Elizabeth Swanson Andi (Arizona State University): Creating the Conditions of Possibility for Kichwa Traditional Ecological Knowledge at the Intersection of Sustainability Science in the Ecuadorian Amazon.
  • José Gabriel Davila (Universidad Nacional de Colombia): Documentación del patrimonio de las trampas de pesca murui.
  • Marie-Eve Courtemanche (Université Laval): Cosmopolitics of the body-territory: Huni Kuin women and contemporary Indigenous art in the Brazilian Amazon.
  • Roberta Queiroz Hesse (Universidade de São Paulo):  Políticas indígenas do trabalho: pensando sobre corpos e empregos com famílias guarani, kaingang e xetá do baixo Tibagi.









  • Gabriel Torrealba (Southern Illinois University).

Selection committee







Past Winners and Calls