Mashco-Piro Situation – SALSA letter (10.14.14)
SALSA Letter on the situation of the Mashco-Piro (10.14.14)

Mashco-Piro, Madre de Dios region, Peru
Letter to Diana Álvarez-Calderón Gallo, Minister of Culture, Peru [English translation]
Carta enviada a la Diana Álvarez-Calderón Gallo, Ministra de Cultura, Peru [original]
Carta enviada à Diana Álvarez-Calderón Gallo, Minister of Culture, Peru [português]
“We strongly urge the Ministry of Culture, along with other relevant governmental institutions (for example, the National Protected Areas Service, which administers Manu Biosphere Reserve and Alto Purus National Park, where the Mashco-Piro live), to strengthen this collaborative work with concrete actions, including the immediate development of emergency response plans and trained, specialized medical teams. We also suggest the Ministry do more, in conjunction with FUNAI, to learn as much as possible in the field as to the location of these various isolated groups and to identify the specific set of pressures (regardless of whether it is caused by environmental, territorial, internal or external conflicts) that have coincided, in recent years, to make several isolated groups in different regions independently seek out their neighbors for assistance.