
Jonathan Hill on the Mashco-Piro situation (6-17-15)

Mashco-Piro situationI wanted to share this podcast from BBC’s Science in Action in which I was interviewed last Thursday on the topic of isolated indigenous societies of Amazonia. The show and starts with a 7 min segment on MERS (hence the camels pictured on the home page of BBC Science in Action). After Stewart ‘s 2 min intro, Fiona Watson from Survival International gets 7 minutes. My 4 min section starts at 15:52 and ends at 19:52. It is followed by a short interview with the Peruvian Viceministra de Interculturalidad (the same person who replied to SALSA’s October letter on Mashco-Piro situation). On the whole I am pleased that BBC did take us seriously and that they got our perspective out to a global listening audience. They also put up links to SALSA’s website on their home page.  You can read the SALSA letter and the official response from the Peruvian government on the ‘Public Issues and Actions’ page of the SALSA website. –  Jonathan

Go to Science In Action Episode Guide (EPISODE: Are Camels the Source of Mers?)