Renato Athias: Member-at-Large 2014-2017
Renato Athias
Federal University of Pernambuco (UFPE)
Member-at-Large of the SALSA Board 2014-2017
Renato Athias is Associate Professor in the Department of Anthropology and Museology and Coordinator of the Center of Ethnicities Studies (NEPE) at the Federal University of Pernambuco in Recife. His research interests include shamanism, ethnicity, museology, and visual anthropology. He has done fieldwork with the Hupdah and Tukano in Northwestern Amazonia since the 1970s and is the author of Noção de Identidade Étnica na Antropologia Brasileira and Povos Indigenas de Pernambuco – Identidade, Diversidade e Conflito (UFPE, 2007) and co-editor (with P. Bollettin) of Claude Lévi-Strauss visto dal Brasile (Universitá de Padova, 2011). He is the current Secretary of Brazilian Association of Anthropology (ABA).
Renato Athias personal page: http://renatoathias.blogspot.com