Jonathan Hill: SALSA President 2014-2017
Jonathan Hill
Southern Illinois University – Carbondale
SALSA President 2014-2017
Ex-Officio Member of the SALSA Board 2017-2023
Jonathan Hill is Professor and former Chair of Anthropology at Southern Illinois University and Visiting Professor at Vytautus Magnus University in Kaunas, Lithuania. He is the author of Keepers of the Sacred Chants: The Poetics of Ritual Power in an Amazonian Society (1993) and Made-from-Bone: Trickster Myths, Music, and History from the Amazon (2009). His research interests include ethnohistory, ethnomusicology, and verbal art as performance with a focus on indigenous Amazonia. He has done fieldwork with the Arawak-speaking Wakuénai (Curripaco) of southernmost Venezuela in the 1980s and ‘90s and served a three-year term (2014-2017) as President of SALSA.
Jonathan Hill’s institutional page: http://cola.siu.edu/anthro/facultyandstaff/faculty/sociocultural/hill.php