Clarice Cohn – Member-at-large 2024-2027
Clarice Cohn
Universidade Federal de São Carlos
Member-at-large of the SALSA Board 2024 – 2027
Clarice Cohn is Professor of Anthropology at the Federal University of São Carlos, Brazil. For three decades, she has carried out research among the Xikrin of Terra Indígena Trincheira-Bacajá (Pará, Brazilian Amazon). Her scholarship explores themes of childhood and children, schooling, history, Indigenous knowledges, politics and socio and environmental impacts. Clarice Cohn has also worked with other Brazilian Indigenous Peoples including Baniwa of Rio Negro and the Tupinambá de Olivença, Bahia. She is commited to Indigenous Rights in edcuation and use of Indigenous languages, knowledges, and autonomy of curricular development, as well as to implemeenting processes of teaching and learning among diverse Indigenous Peoples. Her work has contributed to State policies and Indigenous rights at the national level, especially rights to access and guarantee Indigenous students’ permanente precence at her University. Clarice has been a member of numerous Brazilian Association Anthropologists’ (ABA) Comissions, including the Commission on Education, Science and Technology that worked to guarantee Indigenous rights to education. Clarice’s service to SALSA since 2019 includes serving as a member of the Public Issues and Action Committee (PIAC) where she has been instrumental in drafting several documents concerning human, territorial and political rights for Indigenous Peoples from across Latin America. In 2020 she served on SALSA’s Nominating Committee. If elected, she wishes to continue contributing to the defense of Indigenous Rights as well as to supporting increasing diversity in SALSA’s membership, participation and debates, and efforts to have Indigenous, traditional and local knowledges and specialists as important participants in our actions and academic debates.