Chris Jarrett – Board candidate 2020
Chris Jarrett
University of Texas
Member-at-large candidate 2020
Chris Jarrett is a sociocultural anthropologist with an MA and PhD from the University of Texas at San Antonio (2019). He has worked with Amazonian Kichwa communities since 2010 and wrote his dissertation on the guayusa industry in Amazonian Ecuador, based primarily on fieldwork in 2016-2017. He is broadly interested in indigenous Amazonian livelihoods, relationships with nonhuman actors, and efforts to care for and steward the diversity of landscapes in the region. In his current role as Environmental Social Scientist at the Field Museum in Chicago, USA, he works on a team of natural and social scientists dedicated to supporting rigorous, scientifically grounded, and socially just approaches to environmental conservation in the Andes Amazon region. Among other activities, he is involved in the FM’s rapid biological and social inventories, Putumayo Cultural and Biological Corridor initiative, and efforts to promote governance based on holistic understandings of wellbeing and close attention to local peoples’ assets and aspirations. He strives to bring an anthropologically informed perspective, grounded in his fieldwork experience and knowledge of Amazonianist scholarship, to the museum and conservation spaces, and believes that such a positionality has the potential to make unique contributions to SALSA as an organization.
Academia.edu webpage: https://fieldmuseum.academia.edu/ChristopherJarrett