
500 Anos: A Outra História (2012)

500 anos outra historia500 Anos: A Outra História 

Renato Athias, 2012.

500 Anos – A Outra História presents the national meeting of the Indigenous people in Brazil during the celebration of the five hundred years of the European invasion.

  • Director/Author: Renato Athias
  • Producer: e Laboratory of Visual Anthropology (LAV) of Federal University of Pernambuco (UFPE) Brazil.
  • Language: Portuguese.
  • Length: 00:22:00

About the author

Renato Athias is a Doctor in ethnology (1995) from the University of Paris 10, is the Coordinator of the Centre for Studies and Research on Ethnicity (NEPE) at Federal University of Pernambuco (Brazil), Associate Professor at the Post-graduate Program in Anthropology at UFPE and in the Master in Anthropology at the University of Salamanca in Spain.

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