SALSA Elections 2023 Results (1-29-24)
January 29, 2024
SALSA Elections 2023
For 4 Members-at-Large and President 2027-2031
Ballots were open January 8-22, 2024
I am very pleased to announce the results of our recent elections. Our members confirmed Laura Zanotti as president-elect (president 2027-2031).
Edson Krenak and Clarice Cohn step as Members-at-Large onto the board now for 3-year terms, filling seats vacated by Maria Antonieta Guzmán Gallegos and Natalia Buitron.
Elliot Oakley and Silvia Hirsch will begin their terms as Members-at-Large January 2025, stepping in for Pirjo Kristiina Virtanen and Giancarolo Rolando.
Immense thanks to Maria Antonieta Guzmán Gallegos and Natalia Buitron for their service on the SALSA Board!
Laura Graham, SALSA President