Laura Zanotti – President-Elect 2024-2027
Laura Zanotti
Purdue University
SALSA President-Elect 2024-2027
(to be President 2027-2031)
Laura Zanotti is a Professor of Anthropology at Purdue University. In her work, she cultivates collaborative partnerships to support pathways in which Indigenous Peoples, Traditional Peoples, and Local Communities’ livelihoods and well-being can be sustained and shape just futures. She has partnered with the Mẽbêngôkre-Kayapó Peoples (Aldeia A’Ukre), Brazil, for 20 years. Her collaborative work takes the form of multiple mediums, and centers on media sovereignty, environmental justice, and community resilience and healing. Zanotti has served as the academic program chair for 2016 X SALSA – Tulane and co-chair the 2017 XI SALSA – Lima (Harry Walker, lead). Zanotti was honored to recently hold the position of SALSA’s Sec-Treasurer (2017-2022) and within this capacity worked on the Conviviality Principles committee (2020-2022). She is committed to the struggle for more inclusive politics for equitable futures and, if elected, would amplify SALSA’s ongoing decolonizing and decolonizing efforts, both internally and as a goal of our engagements with governments, the academy, and society.
Institutional webpage: https://cla.purdue.edu/directory/profiles/laura-zanotti.html
Personal webpage: http://laurazanotti.org/