SALSA 2025 University of Helsinki August 4-6, 2025

University of HelsinkiXV SALSA Biennial Conference

University of Helsinki

August 4-6, 2025

Dear Salserxs,

I and the SALSA board are pleased to announce that the XV SALSA Biennial Conference 2025 will take place at the University of Helsinki, on August 4-6, 2025, with a pre-conference Welcome on August 3.  Drs. Pirjo Kristiina Virtanen, Minna Opas, Francisco Apurinã and Olli V. Kaukonen Lindholm are the conference hosts and organizers.  More information regarding the program, call for proposal deadlines and so forth will be forthcoming. In the meantime, please put these dates on your calendars and begin sharing ideas with colleagues, collaborators and friends. We look forward to a wonderfully rich program and memorable 2025 gathering in Finland.

With carinho,


Laura R. Graham

President, Society for the Anthropology of Lowland South America

Professor Emerita