SALSA 2025 Call for Panel/Workshop/Event Proposals

SALSA 2025 University of Helsinki

XV SALSA Biennial Conference

Call for Panel / Workshop / Special Event Proposals

Deadline: 10 November 2024


Panel/Workshop/Special Event Submission Form
Individual Proposal Submission form (attached to a Panel/Workshop/Event)

We have the pleasure of inviting you to the XV SALSA Biennial Conference 2025, which will take place at the University of Helsinki, Finland, on August 4-6, 2025.

Co-creations and silences in Amazonian research

The concept of co-creation is central to ethically sustainable research, emphasizing mutual respect and benefit, and shared knowledge between researchers and research participants. Co-creative and reciprocal approaches often remain absent in interactions between local Amazonian communities of all sorts and different kinds of societal actors. This conference invites participants to reflect on co-creation and (de)colonial practices in research and society at large. We wish to explore both the contexts and practices of co-creation that permeate research and other social relations, including more-than-human actors. We also wish to investigate silences — both intentional and unintentional— which can significantly impact social relationships and research, but which often remain overlooked. Such silences may arise from historical trauma, ignorance, politics, differential power relations or the imposition of dominant research paradigms that marginalize voices. We investigate how these silences can be recognized, understood, and addressed within research and by different researchers.

Questions considered by the conference could include the following: How are different positions of power and voices operationalized in research, and what is being silenced? How can people from diverse backgrounds (Indigenous, ethnic, economic, class- and/or sexual backgrounds, and (de)politicized non-human actors) have voice? What kinds of relationships and webs of relations does research create? How to go beyond listening to the silences and toward engaging in actual dialogues between equals in research? What forms or language can dialogue and co-creation take when participants and presences include more-than-human beings, rivers, ancestral beings, spirits, birds, endangered species, corporations, machinery, technology, cattle, pests, and toxins, among others? In co-creative relations, ethical issues are important. Who has the authority to give consent to research? Whose silences can be identified and who is missing?

Submission for panel, workshop and special event proposals

Deadline for submitting proposals for panels, workshops, and special events is November 10, 2024. Notifications of acceptance will be sent by 30 November, 2024. Call for individual papers will be opened in December 2024 (date to be specified) and will close on 31st January 2025.

In order to be included in the final program, all organizers and participants of panels, workshops, and special events must pay the SALSA membership fee as well as the conference fee by 31st March 2025. Information on the fees and instructions for payment will be included in the forthcoming Call for individual papers and will be sent out to participants.

In the present call, we invite submissions for three distinct kinds of events: panels, workshops, and special events. The principal difference between panels and workshops is that, in workshops, the papers are pre-circulated among participants and read prior to the conference; the workshop consists mainly of discussion of pre-circulated papers. Special events can be e.g. artistic explorations of the conference theme, roundtables, or facilitated discussions that may also involve non-academic participants.


A panel must include a minimum of 4 set contributions upon submission in order to be considered. A panel can have a maximum of 12 contributions. Proponents may decide to keep panels closed, without accepting any further submission and keeping the number of set participants to between four and twelve. Or proponents can opt for an open panel, in which they can call for contributions beyond the four set contibutions defined upon submission of the panel.

Each contribution is 20 minutes long. A panel may also include a discussant, whose participation is included in the maximum number of contributors in the panel.

To propose a panel, please complete the SALSA Panel/Workshop/Event Submission Form including a panel abstract of 150-250 words. Proponents are asked to define whether panels they propose are closed panels or whether they will be open to submissions. In addition, each presenter, organizer, discussant or chair must complete the Individual Proposal Submission Form.


A workshop may be a closed or an open event, in which the participants commit to sharing and reading each other’s papers prior to the conference. The time allocated for the workshop at the conference is used mainly for discussing papers. A workshop may also include a discussant (included in the maximum number of participants).

To propose a workshop, please complete the SALSA Panel/Workshop/Event Submission Form including a workshop abstract of 150-250 words. In addition, each presenter, organizer, discussant or chair must complete the Individual Proposal Submission Form. Proponents must indicate whther the workshop will be a closed event or whether the will accept sbumissions for participation.

Special events

Special events can be artistic explorations of the conference theme, roundtables, talking-circles, storytelling, or facilitated discussions that may also involve non-academic participants. A special event cannot be opened for call for additional contributions; the participants must be selected by the event organizer by the time of submitting the proposal. A special event is limited to one slot of 1 hrs 40 minutes.

To propose a special event, please complete the SALSA Panel/Workshop/Event Submission Form including a special event abstract of 150-250 words. In addition, each presenter, organizer, discussant or chair must complete the Individual Proposal Submission Form.

University of Helsinki

Contact: [email protected]