XIV SALSA Biennial Conference – Instructions for Panel/Workshop/Event Organizers
XIV SALSA Biennial Conference
Instructions for Organizers of Panels, Workshops and Special Events
(Submissions CLOSED)
We invite proposals in the following categories:
- Panels with individual papers solicited by the organizers.
- Workshops with individual papers solicited by the organizers.
- Special Events (Roundtable, Forum, Debate, etc.), with individual contributions solicited by the organizers.
The proposal submission deadline is November 20, 2022. Notification of acceptance: December 20, 2022.
Message from Natalia Buitron, Academic Program Chair
Please take a look at this quick video where I answer some FAQs and give more details about the conference! The video is in Spanish with English subtitles, so please remember to switch on the personalized subtitle option for Portuguese on YouTube. You can do this by going to “Settings” and then “Subtitles”.
SALSA Membership: Membership in SALSA must be up to date to submit a proposal. Organizers can join SALSA or renew their membership via the SALSA Club Express weblink (login and then select “Join SALSA”, or select “Join SALSA” if you are a new member). Membership rates (in US$) are: North America/Europe/UK Professional Member: $60; Latin America/Asia/Africa Professional Member: $35; Student Member: $35. Further information on SALSA membership.
[expand title=”Instructions for Panel Organizers” tag=”h2″]
Note that Panels and Workshops function differently!
Panels will feature a minimum of four and a maximum of fifteen paper presentations. Panels will be broken down into sessions in the program schedule. Each session will be approximately two hours, and will consist of approximately 5 papers and 20 minutes of discussion. Panel organizers may choose to have discussants, and can use some of their presentation time for discussants instead of presenters. All presentations will be scheduled for 20 minutes in the conference program, and organizers should ensure that their panelists are aware of this limit when writing their papers.
Organizers are responsible for determining who will act as Chair for their panel, and whether or not there will be any discussants. It is the organizer’s responsibility to communicate this information to the Academic Program Chair ([email protected]) well in advance. Generally, the role of the panel Chair will include ensuring that presenters do not exceed the 20-minute time limit and moderating the open discussion/Q&A portions. Chairs may solicit additional volunteers to perform these roles if their panel has multiple sections.
Prepare your proposal for a Panel using the SALSA 2023 Panel/Workshop/Event Proposal Form, by November 20, 2022. Proposals should include the title and abstract of the panel, names and electronic addresses of the organizers, and paper abstracts from at least four presenters. These paper abstracts must be submitted separately using the SALSA 2023 Individual Proposal Form (and additionally see Instructions for Individual Proposals).
Organizers are asked to indicate whether they wish the Academic Program Chair to circulate the panel abstract to the SALSA membership, as part of a list of panels, workshops, and Events that would admit additional participants. Open slots in panels may also be filled with volunteered papers assigned by the Program Chair. Panel organizers are expected to communicate promptly with the Academic Program Chair regarding changes to the Panel, panelist absences, and special requests.
[expand title=”Instructions for Workshop Organizers” tag=”h2″]
Note that Panels and Workshops function differently!
A workshop is a focused discussion of a topic defined by the workshop organizer, with well-developed papers submitted in advance and the expectation that participants will read and be prepared to discuss each other’s papers. It is expected that each participant will present a summary or highlights of his/her paper in 15 to 20 minutes, after which there will be 40 to 45 minutes for careful discussion of it.
Organizers are responsible for determining who will act as Chair for the workshop, and how discussions will be formatted. It is the organizer’s responsibility to communicate this information to the Academic Program Chair ([email protected]) well in advance. Generally, the role of the Chair will include ensuring that speakers do not exceed their designated time limits and moderating any open discussion/Q&A portions. Chairs may solicit additional volunteers to help perform these roles if their panel has multiple sections.
It is the organizers’ responsibility to establish and enforce their workshop’s deadline for receiving papers, and to circulate these in advance to the workshop participants. An author who fails to meet the deadline established by the organizer may be dropped from the session. Workshop organizers may redefine procedures as appropriate to the session’s objective, but will inform the Academic Program Chair of the matter; however, the requirement for pre-circulation of fairly completed drafts is essential to the workshop format. The organizer is also responsible for ensuring that the workshop has a well-defined plan for moderating the discussion and that guidelines and roles are communicated to participants in advance.
Prepare your proposal for a Workshop using the SALSA 2023 Panel/Workshop/Event Proposal Form, by November 20, 2022. Proposals should include the title and abstract of the workshop, names and electronic addresses of the organizers, paper abstracts from at least four presenters (submitted separately using the SALSA 2023 Individual Proposal Form), and indicate whether participation is limited to those invited, or whether the session is open for general attendance.
It is the organizers’ responsibility to enforce the deadline (or set another deadline) to receive papers and circulate these in advance to the workshop participants. An author who fails to meet the deadline will be dropped from the session. Workshop organizers may redefine procedures as appropriate to the session’s objective, but will inform the Academic Program Chair of the matter; however, the requirement for pre-circulation of fairly completed drafts is essential to the workshop format.
[expand title=”Instructions for Special Event Organizers” tag=”h2″]
We have made room in this conference for a category of ‘Special Events’, in addition to Panels and Workshops, that open up new modes of exchange beyond academic interests, that may include issues of public policies, territorial and environmental rights, frontier integration, among many others. But these may also include non-conventional formats such as ritual songs, story-telling, or other forms of sharing knowledge. In general, these Events encourage members to feel and reflect on how we go about co-producing and sharing knowledge with research participants, communities, collaborators, and policymakers. If you have a Special Event in mind but are not sure how to arrange it or where it fits in the program, please email the Academic Program Chair to discuss it prior to submission.
Prepare your proposal for a Special Event using the SALSA 2023 Panel/Workshop/Event Proposal Form, by November 20, 2022. Proposals should include the title and abstract of the event, names and electronic addresses of the organizers, abstracts of the individual participants from at least four contributors (submitted separately using the SALSA 2023 Individual Proposal Form), and indicate whether participation is limited to those invited, or whether the session is open for general attendance.
Organizers are responsible for determining who will act as Chair for the event, and how discussions will be formatted. It is the organizer’s responsibility to communicate this information to the Academic Program Chair ([email protected]) well in advance.
–Jeremy M. Campbell (SALSA President 2020-2023), Laura R. Graham (SALSA President-Elect 2023-2027), Simone Athayde (Secretary-Treasurer 2022-2025), Juan Alvaro Echeverri (SALSA 2023 Conference Organizer & SALSA Webmaster), Natalia Buitron (SALSA 2023 Academic Program Chair).
Please send all inquiries about this conference to: