
Thematic Session 1: Outside views and indigenous realities

Thematic Session 1: Outside views and indigenous realities

SALSA XII Sesquiannual Conference – Vienna, 2019


Outside views and indigenous realitiesChair: Natalia García Bonet, University of Kent, UK

Session Schedule

Thursday, 27 June, KHM Vortragssaal
13:50 14:10 Dany Mahecha Rubio / Leonardo Arias, Una mirada multidisciplinar a la historia de las relaciones inter-étnicas en el Noroeste Amazónico.
14:10 14:30 Alexander Zanesco, The Mission as an Indigenous Strategy. The Case of the Sirionó, Bolivia.
14:30 14:40 Questions and Answers
14:40 15:00 Suzanne Oakdale. Purported Love Affairs and the Demarcation of the Xingu Park: Media and the Entanglement of Moral and State Recognition in mid twentieth century Brazil.
15:00 15:20 John Hemming, Relations between the Villas Boas brothers and anthropologists in the Xingu, 1947-1975.
15:20 15:30 Questions and Answers

SALSA 2019 Panels