PANEL 09: Gender Reconfigurations in Indigenous Amazonia
PANEL 09: Gender Reconfigurations in Indigenous Amazonia
SALSA XII Sesquiannual Conference – Vienna, 2019
Juliet S. Erazo, Florida International University, USA
Ernesto J. Benitez, Florida International University, USA
Chair: Juliet S. Erazo
Discussant: Laura Zanotti, Purdue University, USA
Gender has long been a topic of interest for anthropologists working in lowland South America, particularly in the Amazonian region. Scholars have critically interrogated the complex processes by which women and men produce, enact and reproduce gendered identities and fulfill gendered roles within their societies. A more recent but rapidly growing line of inquiry has turned its attention to the shifting contours and transformations of gender within indigenous societies, with special attention to how these have been shaped by colonial relations of power, capitalist development and contemporary struggles for indigenous rights. This panel will examine these shifts and transformations from multiple angles, including memory, performance, and leadership. We will explore a wide range of interactions that have contributed to shifting notions and performances of gender, spanning from the very intimate engagements that can occur between tour guides and tourists, to the international arenas of scientific conferences and United Nations treaty negotiations.
Panel Schedule
Saturday, 29 June, WMW Forum
Session 1 |
16:40 | 17:00 | Emily Colón, Female Indigenous Engagement with Belem +30. |
17:00 | 17:20 | Juliet S. Erazo, Becoming Politicians: Indigenous Women’s Processes of Running for and Holding Elected Office. |
17:20 | 17:40 | Ernesto J. Benitez, “All great warriors had long hair”: the impact of Amazonian tourism on Kichwa masculinity and sexuality in Napo, Ecuador. |
17:40 | 18:00 | Discussant: Laura Zanotti |
18:00 | 18:20 | Discussion |
Sunday, 30 June, WMW Forum
Session 2 |
10:00 | 10:20 | Daniela Botero Marulanda, Cambios en las relaciones de género en las danzas murui-muina en un contexto urbano. |
10:20 | 10:40 | Diana Rosas Riaño, “Yo me partí”: narrativas sobre la experiencia de la primera menstruación en mujeres tanimuca, matapi, yucuna y letuama. |
10:40 | 11:00 | Discussant: Laura Zanotti |
11:00 | 11:40 | Discussion |