XIV SALSA Biennial Conference
Conversations in the Maloca: cultural exchange
CAPIUL Maloca (Calle 7 x Carrera 5, Leticia, Amazonas)
Friday, July 28, 2023, 20:00
Chair: William Yukuna Tanimuka (Cabildo de los Pueblos Indígenas Unidos de Leticia – CAPIUL)
In keeping with SALSA’s convivial tradition of hosting ‘Conversations in the Lobby’, SALSA 2023 will turn this event into ‘Conversations in the Maloca.’ We seek to integrate Amazonian styles of conversation into open-ended, reflective discussions about the future and vision of SALSA from the perspective of the Indigenous/Traditional participants of the Conference.
This will be a space of encounter between the Indigenous/Traditional participants in the Conference and the Indigenous groups of the tri-frontier area, chaired by the elder of the Maloca of the United Indigenous Peoples of Leticia (CAPIUL).