Conversations in the Lobby 2013
SALSA VIII Sesquiannual Conference, Nashville
Organizer: Carlos D. Londoño Sulkin (University of Regina)
Time: March 9th, 2013, 8:30-10:10 a.m.
Location: Vanderbilt University, Buttrick 101
Carlos David Londoño organized a special session called Conversations in the Lobby. This event was planned in fond memory of Steven Rubenstein’s unfailing presence in hotel lobbies at AAA and SALSA meetings, where he was a nexus for networking within our anthropological tribe, and generous in sharing copious avuncular advice with colleagues, peers, and students. In the spirit of continuing his legacy of professional insight and connectivity, speakers were invited to provide counsel on matters of professional relations, and allow ample time for discussion.
Speakers of Conversations in the Lobby 2013
Glenn Shepard, “Tweet Tropiques: Some thoughts on anthropology, blogging and writing outside the box.”
Carlos D. Londoño Sulkin, “The politics of citation.”
–Beth Conklin (SALSA President), Carlos D. Londoño Sulkin (SALSA 2014 Academic Program Chair), Jeremy Campbell (SALSA Secretary-Treasurer-Webmaster), and Carlos D. Londoño Sulkin (SALSA President-Elect)