Juan Alvaro Echeverri: Program Chair 12th SALSA Conference
Juan Alvaro Echeverri
Academic program chair
Twelfth Sesquiannual Conference: Vienna, Austria, June 27-30, 2019
Juan Alvaro Echeverri holds a PhD in anthropology by the New School for Social Research (NY 1997). Full Professor at the Amazonia Campus of Universidad Nacional de Colombia. Specialist in native Amazonian indigenous populations, with work and research experience in social anthropology, ethnohistory, traditional knowledge, linguistic documentation and revitalization, indigenous education, indigenous territories and ethnobotany in the Amazon. He received, together with the indigenous elder Oscar Román Jitdutjaaño, the Award in Environment and Sustainable Development by the Foundation Alejandro Angel Escobar (Colombia) in 2020. Author de La gente del centro del mundo: Curación de la historia en una sociedad amazónica (2022).
CV: https://juanecheverri.info/
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-4627-9559