Community-Based Tourism

Painü Community-based Tourism

Painü Turismo Comunitario Indígena Community-Based Tourism XIV SALSA Biennial Conference 2023 The Asociación Intercomunitaria PAINÜ was established in 2014, with the purpose of strengthening the knowledge system of the Magütá (Tikuna), Kokama and Yagua ethnic groups settled around the lake system of the Yahuarcaca river, in Leticia,...

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Maloca TIWA (SALSA Partner)

Maloca TIWA SALSA Partner Community-Based Tourism and Lodge XIV SALSA Biennial Conference 2023 TIWA (Toomomɨna-Iyaɨma-Wa’pejena: Defensores de los Saberes Tradicionales) is an Indigenous Community accessible by public transportation. They offer their communal gathering space (maloca) as a place where interested people can lodge and participate in their nightly dialogues (mambeadero),...

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