The Society for the Anthropology of Lowland South America (SALSA) is an independent professional association specializing in lowland regions of South America. SALSA’s main goals are to foster sound and ethical research and to promote education of students and the general public on issues that we study.

SALSA brings together specialists who live in Latin America, Europe, North America, and elsewhere. It seeks to facilitate connections and develop exchanges of information among them, disseminate original scholarship of high quality, and encourage students to learn about and carry out research in this region. SALSA has a voting membership with and elected board of directors, by-laws, and official status as a 501©3 non-profit corporation.

SALSA Solidarity Fund

The SALSA Solidarity Fund assists SALSA’s efforts to continue supporting Indigenous and traditional peoples’ participation in future SALSA conferences, make student awards, foster other activities, and explore new possibilities that support our goals of furthering the anthropology of Lowland South America through intellectual and collegial exchange.

Norm and Sibby Whitten Publication Subvention Fund 2024-2025

Application deadline: 30 november 2024

The Norm and Sibby Whitten SALSA Publication Subvention Fund is designed to assist with the publication of original monographs and peer-reviewed articles that make an important contribution to anthropological scholarship on lowland South America or to the discipline more generally.

New books by SALSA Members