
Keynote Lecture 2023: João Paulo Barreto

João Paulo BarretoKeynote Lecture 2023

Other Anthropologies and their cosmopolitical challenges

SALSA XIV Biennial Conference 2023

João Paulo Barreto, Universidade Federal do Amazonas

Considering both our common interest in anthropological relationships that are neither hierarchical nor extractive, and our intention to situate ourselves within our own existential and research experiences, we intend to build our conversation around issues that affect us with particular force, although not in the same way or for the same reason: the creation of indigenous anthropologies, the risks of capture by academic structures, the critique of the division between ethnography and anthropology, the appropriation of “indigenous worlds,” and their reduction to raw material. The provocation we make to our dear anthropology of the Lowlands of South America is the following: Where did it jump? What other leaps/turns does it feel empowered to take?

João Paulo Lima Barreto is an Indigenous of the Yepamahsã people (Tukano), born in the village of São Domingos, in the municipality of São Gabriel da Cachoeira (AM, Brazil). Graduated in Philosophy; Master and Doctor in Social Anthropology from the Universidade Federal do Amazonas. Founder of the Centro de Medicina Indígena Bahserikowi. Founder of the first Casa de Comida Indígena – Biatuwi. Researcher at the Núcleo de Estudos da Amazônia Indígena (NEAI). Research Collaborator at FIOCRUZ/Manaus. Member of the SPA – Science Panel for the Amazon, of the Brazilian Academy of Science. Member of the SoU_Ciência Scientific Committee. Member of OTCA – Organization of the Amazon Cooperation Treaty. Coordinator of the Fórum Povos da Rede Unida. Teacher. Consultant.

João Paulo Barreto’s LATTES CV:

–Jeremy M. Campbell (SALSA President 2020-2023), Laura R. Graham (SALSA President-Elect 2023-2027), Simone Athayde (Secretary-Treasurer 2022-2025), Juan Alvaro Echeverri (SALSA 2023 Conference Organizer & SALSA Webmaster), Natalia Buitron (SALSA 2023 Academic Program Chair).