Posts tagged with ‘SALSA Conference 2019’

  • University of Helsinki SALSA 2025

    PANEL 01: Urban Imaginaries in Native Amazonia

    The powerful allure that big cities have exerted, and continue to exert, over the imaginaries of native Amazonian peoples…

  • University of Helsinki SALSA 2025

    PANEL 02: Creating, Transforming, Transmitting

    This panel focuses on creative processes and the semantics fields of formation, reproduction and reconfiguration of life, the world…

  • University of Helsinki SALSA 2025

    PANEL 03: Indigenous futures

    This panel considers how indigenous Amazonians imagine, discuss and negotiate the future amidst radical economic and political changes that…

  • University of Helsinki SALSA 2025

    PANEL 04: The Chibchan Peoples

    At contact, the Chibchan speaking peoples inhabited a compact zone stretching from southeastern Central America to far northwestern South…

  • University of Helsinki SALSA 2025

    PANEL 05: Configuraciones de la violencia y del conflicto en Espacios Periféricos

    La multiplicación de materiales etnográficos sobre nuevas formas de violencia que afectan a poblaciones indígenas en el mundo contemporáneo…

  • University of Helsinki SALSA 2025

    PANEL 06: Memorias de violencia, visiones para el futuro

    Dialogar, discutir y reflexionar sobre “Memorias de violencia y post-conflicto” en Amazonia aparece actualmente como un hecho impostergable, un…

  • University of Helsinki SALSA 2025

    PANEL 07: Addressing Power Asymmetries

    This panel explores the possibilities and weaknesses of participatory and collaborative approaches in engaging with the continued economic, social…

  • University of Helsinki SALSA 2025

    PANEL 08: Cristianismos controvertidos

    El cristianismo se ha vuelto un tema de investigación importante en los estudios sobre las tierras bajas de América…

  • University of Helsinki SALSA 2025

    PANEL 09: Gender Reconfigurations in Indigenous Amazonia

    Gender has long been a topic of interest for anthropologists working in lowland South America, particularly in the Amazonian…

  • University of Helsinki SALSA 2025

    PANEL 10: Native Objects, World Histories

    During the colonial period, Europeans in the New World collected indigenous material culture to be exhibited in what were…

  • University of Helsinki SALSA 2025

    PANEL 11: Emptied landscapes and stranger items

    For the last two decades, anthropological scholarship has proposed that relationality is a central characteristic of Native Amazonian worlds….

  • University of Helsinki SALSA 2025

    PANEL 12: Indigenous childhoods and environmental transformations

    This panel discusses indigenous children’s understandings of and engagement with the environment in which they grow up and its…

  • University of Helsinki SALSA 2025

    Thematic Session 1: Outside views and indigenous realities

    Thematic Session 1: Outside views and indigenous realities SALSA XII Sesquiannual Conference – Vienna, 2019   Chair: Natalia García...

  • University of Helsinki SALSA 2025

    Thematic Session 2: Sensing and knowing a transforming world

    Thematic Session 2: Sensing and knowing a transforming world SALSA XII Sesquiannual Conference – Vienna, 2019   Chair: Carlos...

  • University of Helsinki SALSA 2025

    Session 3: Ambivalent Encounters: Emotions, Memory, Power

    Thematic Session 3: Ambivalent Encounters: Emotions, Memory, Power SALSA XII Sesquiannual Conference – Vienna, 2019 Chair: Jeremy M. Campbell,...

  • University of Helsinki SALSA 2025

    WORKSHOP: Amerindian Linguistic Natures

    This workshop aims at exploring “natures of language” in indigenous collectives of Lowland South America, following the approach we…

  • University of Helsinki SALSA 2025

    Indigenous rights reversals in Brazil under Bolsonaro (9-4-19)

    We are pleased to publish the papers and presentations resulting from the Debate on indigenous rights in Brazil under…

  • University of Helsinki SALSA 2025

    XII SALSA Conference Highlights (06.30.18)

    XII SALSA Conference Highlights The XII Sesquiannual Conference of SALSA was held June 27-30, 2019 at Weltmuseum Wien in a very warm Viennese summer, with Claudia Augustat (Weltmusem)...

  • University of Helsinki SALSA 2025

    Claudia Augustat: Organizer of the 12th SALSA Conference

    Claudia Augustat Organizer Twelfth Sesquiannual Conference: Vienna, Austria, June 27-30, 2019   Claudia Augustat is curator of the South...

  • University of Helsinki SALSA 2025

    Juan Alvaro Echeverri: Program Chair 12th SALSA Conference

    Juan Alvaro Echeverri holds a PhD in anthropology by the New School for Social Research (NY 1997). Full Professor…

  • WMW_Säulenhalle

    SALSA 2019 SALSA Conference Dinner

    SALSA Conference Dinner SALSA XII Sesquiannual Conference 2019 Saturday, 29 June, 20:00 WMW Säulenhalle The conference dinner will be held...

  • University of Helsinki SALSA 2025

    Conversations in the Lobby 2019

    Conversations in the Lobby 2109: (Gendered) vulnerabilities and fieldwork SALSA XII Sesquiannual Conference 2019 Saturday, 29 June, 9:30-10:30, WMW Forum...

  • Mouth with SALSA logo

    SALSA 2019 SALSA Membership General Meeting

    SALSA Membership General Meeting SALSA XII Sesquiannual Conference 2019 Sunday, 30 June, 12:10-14:00 WMW Forum Chair: Carlos D. Londoño...

  • SALSA 2019

    SALSA 2019 Special Meetings

    Special Meetings SALSA XII Sesquiannual Conference 2019 Rebuilding collections for the Museu Nacional de Rio: How European museums can collaborate Thursday,...

  • University of Helsinki SALSA 2025

    Keynote Lecture 2019: Anne-Christine Taylor

    Mismatches: Museums, Anthropology and Amazonia. Anne-Christine Taylor, professor emeritus, CNRS.

  • Exhibition proposal Kroijer.Stine.IMAGE

    SALSA 2019 Photo exhibition The Forest of Mirrors

    Photo Exhibition The Forest of Mirrors SALSA XII Sesquiannual Conference 2019 Stine Krøijer University of Copenhagen WWM (open area of the...

  • SALSA 2019

    SALSA 2019 Poster Presentations

    Poster presentations SALSA XII Sesquiannual Conference 2019   Poster session 1 Friday, 28 June, 9:30-11:10 WMW, Ground floor (location...

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  • SALSA 2019 Accepted Papers XII Sesquiannual Conference

    Presenters and abstracts 2019 SALSA XII Sesquiannual Conference, Vienna, Austria (in alphabetical order by last name) Arregui, Anibal University...

  • University of Helsinki SALSA 2025

    Call for Submissions XII SALSA conference in Vienna (07-03-18)

    The Society for the Anthropology of Lowland South America (SALSA) is pleased to announce that its XII Sesquiannual Conference…

  • Weltmuseumwien_larger

    2019 SALSA XII Sesquiannual Conference – Vienna

    2019 SALSA XII Sesquiannual Conference – Vienna, Austria The 2019 XII Sesquiannual Conference of SALSA was held June 27-30, 2019 at Weltmuseum Wien in...

  • University of Helsinki SALSA 2025

    03.15.18 SALSA 2019 Conference Organizer: Claudia Augustat

      SALSA 2019 Conference Organizer: Claudia Augustat Weltmuseum Wien The SALSA 2019 Conference organizer is Claudia Augustat, is the Weltmuseum...
